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Dea Andreotti
A Rocca Suprana


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price from €52






Description for B&B:

Currently, we offer three guest rooms that are available for your stay. Additionally, we provide the option of dining at our guest table. Our establishment is situated in one of the oldest residences in Merusaglia, located in the highest hamlet in the eastern region of Corsica, A Rocca Suprana. This location serves as the starting point for various hiking trails and is also home to the Pasquale Paoli Museum, among other attractions. Our culinary offerings primarily consist of traditional dishes that highlight the wide selection of local products, including those with Appellation of Origin Control, Protected Designation of Origin, and Protected Geographical Indication certifications.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our charming gite! Step back in time as you enter our old house, where you can experience the rich history of the 11th century. Unwind and enjoy a delicious meal in our table dhôtes room, filled with the ambiance of centuries gone by. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to explore our vaulted rooms, dating back to the impressive Pisan period.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 52 52




  • Musée Pascal Paoli: Located in the nearby town of Morosaglia, Musée Pascal Paoli is a museum dedicated to the life and legacy of Pascal Paoli, a Corsican political leader and military commander. It showcases his personal belongings, historical artifacts, and provides insights into Corsican history.
  • Corte Citadel: Situated in the town of Corte, approximately 13 kilometers away from Rocca Suprana, the Corte Citadel is a historic fortress that offers panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. Inside, you can explore the museum and learn about Corsican culture, history, and the island's struggle for independence.
  • Gorges de la Restonica: Located about 10 kilometers from Rocca Suprana, the Gorges de la Restonica is a breathtaking natural attraction. It is a rugged valley with crystal-clear turquoise waters, dramatic cliffs, and stunning waterfalls. Visitors can hike along the trails, swim in natural pools, and enjoy the beautiful Corsican wilderness.
  • Aleria Archaeological Site: Situated around 60 kilometers south of Rocca Suprana, the Aleria Archaeological Site is a significant historical site in Corsica. It was once an ancient Roman colony and served as a major trading center. Today, you can explore the ruins, including an amphitheater, thermal baths, and the remains of a Roman villa.
  • Lake Melu: Located in the heart of the Corsican mountains, Lake Melu is a picturesque glacial lake surrounded by stunning granite peaks. It is part of the Restonica Valley and offers scenic hiking trails that lead to the lake. The crystal-clear waters and tranquil atmosphere make it a perfect spot for a picnic or a refreshing swim.
  • Calvi Citadel: Situated on the northwest coast of Corsica, around 90 kilometers from Rocca Suprana, the Calvi Citadel is a well-preserved fortress perched on a hilltop overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Inside the citadel, you'll find narrow streets, ancient buildings, and a beautiful cathedral. The views from the citadel's ramparts are simply breathtaking.
  • Cap Corse: Located on the northernmost tip of Corsica, Cap Corse is a scenic peninsula that offers stunning coastal landscapes, charming fishing villages, and picturesque vineyards. Visitors can drive along the winding roads, stopping at various viewpoints, beaches, and historic landmarks. The charming villages of Nonza, Erbalunga, and Macinaggio are worth exploring. These tourist attractions near Rocca Suprana offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural beauty, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the rich heritage and breathtaking landscapes of Corsica.

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