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Theresa Wildsmith
14 Avenue Du 8 Mai 1945


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price from €85



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  • Château de Caylus: Located in the heart of Caylus, this medieval castle dates back to the 13th century and offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Explore the well-preserved towers, ramparts, and courtyard, and enjoy panoramic views of the charming town.
  • Grotte du Bosc: Situated just outside Caylus, Grotte du Bosc is a magnificent cave system featuring stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations. Take a guided tour to discover the underground wonders and learn about the geological significance of this natural site.
  • Saint Antonin Noble Val: About a 20-minute drive from Caylus, this picturesque medieval town is known for its well-preserved architecture and charming streets. Explore the narrow alleys, visit the 12th-century church, and wander along the Aveyron riverbank for a delightful experience.
  • Aveyron Gorge: This stunning natural wonder is located approximately 30 minutes away from Caylus. Enjoy breathtaking views as you walk along the hiking trails or take a leisurely boat ride along the river. The gorge is a popular spot for outdoor activities such as canoeing, rock climbing, and picnicking.
  • Château de Penne: Situated about 45 minutes from Caylus, this imposing castle perched on a cliff offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Take a guided tour to learn about its rich history, explore the medieval architecture, and admire the beautiful gardens.
  • Bruniquel Castle: Located around 50 minutes away, this medieval fortress overlooks the Aveyron River and offers a glimpse into the past. Explore the well-preserved rooms, climb the towers for stunning views, and learn about the castle's role in local history.
  • Villefranche-de-Rouergue: Situated approximately 50 minutes from Caylus, this charming town boasts a beautiful central square, lined with arcades and historic buildings. Visit the Notre-Dame Collegiate Church, explore the narrow streets, and browse the local markets for a taste of authentic French culture.
  • Najac: About an hour's drive from Caylus, Najac is a hidden gem known for its dramatic castle perched on a hilltop. Take a guided tour of the fortress, stroll along the medieval streets, and enjoy breathtaking views of the Aveyron River valley.
  • Cordes-sur-Ciel: Located roughly an hour away, this enchanting hilltop village is renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Wander through the narrow streets, visit the Gothic Saint-Michel church, and admire the panoramic views from the top of the village. 10. Albi: Situated about an hour and a half from Caylus, Albi is a UNESCO World Heritage site, famous for its impressive red-brick cathedral, Sainte-Cécile. Explore the historic city center, visit the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, and stroll along the Tarn River for a memorable day trip.

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