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Marie Therese & Roger Dumons
Ferme La Besse


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Description for B&B:

There are two guest rooms available for your stay. The first room is equipped with a comfortable bed measuring 140 * 190, along with a shower, washbasin, and toilet. The second room consists of two separate areas, each containing a bed measuring 140 * 190. Additionally, there is a shared bathroom with a bathtub, washbasin, and toilet.


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To reach Camping Besse from Mirepoix, follow these directions: Head towards Lavelanet from Mirepoix. Upon reaching Lavelanet, take the first left towards Lagarde, Camon, and Chalabre. Keep going until you reach Camon. Once in Camon, continue straight through the village for approximately one mile. After that, make a left turn towards Camping Besse.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 40
(3 pers.)
1 10 60


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Château de Montségur: Located in the village of Montségur, about 10 kilometers from Camon, this medieval fortress is perched on a rocky hilltop. It is renowned for its historical significance as a Cathar stronghold and offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Grotte de Niaux: Situated in the Ariege Pyrenees Regional Nature Park, approximately 40 kilometers from Camon, the Grotte de Niaux is a prehistoric cave known for its exceptional cave paintings. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground galleries and admire the ancient artwork.
  • Mirepoix: This picturesque medieval town is located about 15 kilometers from Camon. Known for its half-timbered houses and a beautiful central square with a unique medieval-style market hall, Mirepoix offers a charming ambiance and is perfect for leisurely strolls and exploring its historical architecture.
  • Lac de Montbel: Situated around 20 kilometers from Camon, the Lac de Montbel is a scenic reservoir where visitors can enjoy various water activities such as swimming, sailing, kayaking, and fishing. The lake is also surrounded by beautiful hiking trails, making it a great spot for nature enthusiasts.
  • Château de Foix: Located in the town of Foix, approximately 35 kilometers from Camon, this medieval castle is an impressive sight. It overlooks the town and provides visitors with a glimpse into the region's rich history. Inside, you can explore its museum and exhibitions dedicated to the Middle Ages.
  • Ax-les-Thermes: Situated about 50 kilometers from Camon, Ax-les-Thermes is a popular spa town known for its natural hot springs. Visitors can relax in the thermal baths or enjoy various outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and mountain biking in the nearby Pyrenees Mountains.
  • Château de Puivert: Located around 30 kilometers from Camon, the Château de Puivert is a well-preserved Cathar castle overlooking the village of Puivert. It offers a fascinating insight into medieval life and hosts regular events and exhibitions. The castle also boasts lovely views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Foix Castle: Another impressive castle near Camon, Foix Castle is situated in the town of Foix. It is perched on a rocky hilltop and serves as a prominent landmark. Visitors can explore its interior, including the museum, to learn about the castle's history and enjoy panoramic views from its towers. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Ferme La Besse in Camon, France. Each offers a unique experience, ranging from historical sites to natural wonders, ensuring a memorable visit to the region.

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