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Monique Foulard
8 Le Gampe
Saint Pierre De Mons


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price from €65





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Notes: Petit déjeuner inclus


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  • Château de La Brède: Located in La Brède, approximately 12 miles from Saint Pierre De Mons, this historic castle is known for its beautiful gardens and architecture. It is the birthplace of the famous French philosopher Montesquieu and offers guided tours to visitors.
  • Château de Roquetaillade: Situated in Mazères, around 15 miles from Saint Pierre De Mons, this medieval castle is a remarkable example of Gothic and Renaissance architecture. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, including the impressive Great Hall and the underground passages.
  • Château de Cadillac: Found in Cadillac, about 16 miles away from Saint Pierre De Mons, this castle is a classified historical monument. It features stunning gardens, a museum dedicated to the history of the region, and offers guided tours showcasing the rich heritage of the site.
  • Château de Cazeneuve: Located in Préchac, approximately 20 miles from Saint Pierre De Mons, this castle dates back to the 13th century and offers visitors a glimpse into its impressive architecture and history. It also boasts beautiful gardens and hosts various events throughout the year.
  • Château de Duras: Situated in Duras, around 23 miles away from Saint Pierre De Mons, this castle overlooks the Dropt Valley and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, including its grand salons and the medieval keep.
  • Château de D'Uza: Found in Saint-Julien-Beychevelle, about 27 miles from Saint Pierre De Mons, this castle is known for its picturesque setting amidst vineyards and offers guided tours showcasing its fascinating history and winemaking traditions.
  • Château de Villandraut: Located in Villandraut, approximately 30 miles away from Saint Pierre De Mons, this castle is a fine example of medieval military architecture. Visitors can explore its towers, ramparts, and courtyard, as well as enjoy the stunning views from the top.
  • Château de Vayres: Situated in Vayres, around 32 miles from Saint Pierre De Mons, this castle is surrounded by a beautiful park and offers guided tours of its interior, including the impressive Grand Salon and the medieval kitchens. It also hosts various cultural events and medieval festivals. These tourist attractions near Saint Pierre De Mons offer a mix of historical, architectural, and natural beauty, providing visitors with a chance to explore the rich heritage of the region.

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