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Debout Pascale
9 Rue De La Semoy


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Price per night:

price from €45





Description for B&B:

Located in the heart of the Semoy Valley, B & B and Naux (Thilay) is a charming accommodation option situated in the Regional Natural Park of the Ardennes. Renowned for its breathtaking forest hiking trails spanning 140 km, this destination is perfect for nature lovers and adventurers. Additionally, it is conveniently located just 7 km away from the Meuse valley's greenway and 10 km from Belgium. The B & B offers two comfortable bedrooms, one for adults and another for children, both equipped with a double bed and a private bathroom featuring double sinks, a shower, and a toilet. Guests can enjoy amenities such as TV and internet access, and a refrigerator is also available for their use. The property also provides bike storage and a garage for motorcycles, ensuring a convenient stay. For those interested in hiking, the B & B offers ready-to-use hiking maps. A delightful restaurant can be found just 100 meters away, and in the summer, guests can savor their breakfast on the terrace. The B & B is conveniently located just 50 meters from a river, offering a serene atmosphere, and it is only 20 km away from the stunning Old Forges lake.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 45 45




  • Grottes de Nichet: Located in Monthermé, just a short drive from Thilay, the Grottes de Nichet are a set of stunning limestone caves. Visitors can explore the underground chambers filled with impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations.
  • Château de Hierges: Situated in the village of Hierges, this medieval castle offers a glimpse into the region's rich history. The castle features well-preserved towers, ramparts, and a picturesque setting overlooking the Meuse River.
  • Roc La Tour: A natural rock formation located in Haybes, Roc La Tour offers breathtaking views of the Meuse River valley. Visitors can hike up to the top of the rock to enjoy panoramic vistas and take in the stunning landscape.
  • Parc Argonne Découverte: Ideal for nature lovers, this nature park is situated in Olizy-Primat. It features various walking trails, wildlife observation points, and educational exhibits that showcase the region's flora and fauna.
  • Musée de la Métallurgie Ardennaise: Located in Bogny-sur-Meuse, this museum highlights the iron and steel industry that once thrived in the Ardennes region. Visitors can explore exhibits showcasing the history, techniques, and tools used in metalworking.
  • Château de Sedan: A short drive from Thilay, the Château de Sedan is one of the largest fortified castles in Europe. This impressive fortress offers guided tours that delve into its rich history and architectural significance.
  • Fort des Ayvelles: Situated near the town of Ayvelles, this 19th-century fortification was part of the Séré de Rivières system. It now serves as a museum, displaying military artifacts and providing insights into the region's military past.
  • Parc de la Montagne Ardennaise: Located in Signy-l'Abbaye, this natural park offers numerous walking and hiking trails amidst lush forests and rolling hills. Visitors can enjoy the serene surroundings and spot wildlife in their natural habitat.
  • Abbaye de Laval Dieu: Nestled in the village of Laval Dieu, this historic abbey dates back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the abbey's beautiful gardens, visit the chapel, and learn about the religious and cultural significance of the site. 10. Musée Rimbaud: Situated in Charleville-Mézières, the Musée Rimbaud is dedicated to the life and works of the renowned French poet, Arthur Rimbaud. The museum's exhibits provide insights into Rimbaud's literary contributions and his connection to the region. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, including natural beauty, historical landmarks, cultural heritage, and outdoor activities, ensuring a memorable visit near 9 Rue De La Semoy, Thilay, France.

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