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Marie Therese Lancien


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Price per night:

price from €70





Description for B&B:

We have two rooms available for you to choose from. Each room has its own entrance, bathroom with a shower and toilet. You can enjoy the comfort and charm of our accommodations.

In addition, we have a beautiful enclosed garden that is peaceful and filled with flowers. This space is exclusively reserved for your relaxation, reading, and occasional picnics.

Our prices are as follows: 62 for two persons and 57 for a single person, both prices include breakfast. If you require an extra bed, there is an additional charge of 20.

Please note that reservations are required for a minimum of two nights.


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  • Monts d'Arrée: Situated close to Kerveroux and Commana, the Monts d'Arrée is a picturesque mountain range offering breathtaking views and scenic hiking trails. It is a great destination for nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Menez-Hom: Located about 20 kilometers from Kerveroux, Menez-Hom is a prominent hill offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and the Bay of Douarnenez. It's a popular spot for paragliding and hiking.
  • Huelgoat Forest: Situated approximately 10 kilometers from Commana, Huelgoat Forest is a magical woodland known for its ancient trees, moss-covered rocks, and picturesque waterfalls. Visitors can enjoy walking trails and discover mythical landmarks like the Chaos du Moulin and the Trembling Rock.
  • Morlaix: Located about 25 kilometers from Kerveroux, Morlaix is a charming town known for its half-timbered houses, cobbled streets, and the viaduct that spans its historic center. Visitors can explore the medieval architecture, visit the Musée de Morlaix, or take a boat trip on the River Morlaix.
  • Armorique Natural Regional Park: Situated in the vicinity of Kerveroux, Armorique Natural Regional Park is a vast protected area encompassing diverse landscapes such as moors, heaths, forests, and coastal cliffs. It offers numerous outdoor activities, including hiking, cycling, and wildlife observation.
  • Saint-Thégonnec: Located approximately 10 kilometers from Commana, the village of Saint-Thégonnec is known for its remarkable Parish Enclosure. The Saint-Thégonnec Church features intricate carvings and the Calvary of the Seven Saints is an impressive sight to behold.
  • Château de Kerjean: Situated about 15 kilometers from Kerveroux, the Château de Kerjean is an elegant Renaissance-style castle that dates back to the 16th century. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the period furniture, and stroll through the beautiful gardens.
  • Bay of Morlaix: Located near Kerveroux, the Bay of Morlaix is a picturesque inlet renowned for its natural beauty and maritime heritage. Visitors can enjoy coastal walks, boat trips, and explore charming coastal towns such as Carantec and Locquirec. 10. Quimper: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Kerveroux, Quimper is a historic city known for its well-preserved medieval center, stunning Gothic cathedral, and traditional Breton culture. Visitors can wander through the charming streets, visit museums, and explore the local pottery industry for which Quimper is famous.

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