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28 Rue De Tours



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Description for B&B:

Situated just 3km away from Strasbourg City Center, this accommodation offers a spacious private room of 30m² with its own private bathroom and toilet. Stay connected with Wifi Internet, and enjoy the convenience of private parking. A direct bus to Strasbourg City is available, and the Strasbourg Station is only a 4-minute ride away via the TER city train. The room can be arranged on the first floor, featuring a 160cm (or 2x80cm) bed suitable for children, along with its own private bathroom and toilet. For a prompt response, please kindly provide your fixed phone number as we typically do not respond to emails.


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  • Strasbourg Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Strasbourg): Located in the heart of Strasbourg, this stunning Gothic cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is known for its intricate architecture, including the astronomical clock and stunning stained glass windows.
  • Petite France: Situated in Strasbourg, Petite France is a picturesque quarter with charming half-timbered houses, narrow streets, and canals. Enjoy a leisurely stroll along the river, explore the local shops and restaurants, and admire the beautiful Alsatian architecture.
  • European Parliament: The European Parliament in Strasbourg is open to visitors, offering guided tours to discover the history, functions, and role of the European Union. Explore the hemicycle, where parliamentarians debate, and learn about the European integration process.
  • Palais Rohan: This magnificent palace in Strasbourg houses three museums - the Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Decorative Arts, and the Archaeological Museum. It showcases an extensive collection of art, furniture, and historical artifacts.
  • Parc de l'Orangerie: Located in Strasbourg, this lovely park is perfect for a peaceful retreat. It features beautiful gardens, a lake with swans, a mini zoo, and a charming Orangery building. Enjoy a leisurely walk, have a picnic, or rent a boat to explore the lake.
  • Mont Sainte-Odile: Situated about 40 km from Bischheim, Mont Sainte-Odile is a pilgrimage site and a popular tourist destination. It offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Alsace region and houses a monastery, chapel, and a museum showcasing religious artifacts.
  • Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg: Located in Orschwiller, this medieval castle sits atop a hill and offers panoramic views of the surrounding vineyards and forests. Explore the well-preserved castle grounds, visit the museum inside, and learn about its rich history.
  • Musée Alsacien: Situated in Strasbourg, this museum provides an insight into Alsatian traditions, lifestyle, and folk art. It displays a wide range of exhibits, including traditional costumes, furniture, crafts, and household items.
  • Rohan Palace Gardens: Adjacent to the Palais Rohan in Strasbourg, these beautiful gardens offer a tranquil escape. With manicured lawns, fountains, and ornamental flower beds, it is an ideal place for a leisurely walk or a picnic. 10. Tomi Ungerer Museum: Located in Strasbourg, this museum is dedicated to the works of Tomi Ungerer, a renowned French illustrator and author. It showcases a wide range of his artworks, including children's books, satirical drawings, and sculptures. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical landmarks to immersing oneself in the beauty of nature and art.