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Keith Swift
35 Grande Rue
Valence Sur Baise



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Description for B&B:

La Maison des Lys, a Maison de Maître or merchants house constructed in 1817, is conveniently located just 200 meters away from the town square in Valence sur Baïse. This charming bastide village dates back to 1274 and sits atop a bluff overlooking the River Baïse. Additionally, it is only 8 km away from the Armagnac market town of Condom.

Within a short drive from our establishment, guests will find an abundance of historical sites, wineries, and picturesque towns and villages.

We offer four spacious bedrooms, each featuring a modern and stylish bath or shower room. Breakfast is served on most days in the pleasant shade of our east-facing terrace, which is built into the town's ramparts. Our breakfast menu includes a variety of options such as orange juice, cereals, farm-fresh softly boiled eggs accompanied by crusty French bread, freshly baked that morning by Valences' artisan bakers. We also provide croissants, pains au chocolat, creamy butter, and homemade jams. To start the day, guests can enjoy a cup of coffee from a cafetière, a pot of tea, or a hot chocolate.

At La Maison des Lys, we aim to enhance our guests' experience by providing individual routes for exploration and helping them make the most of this beautiful region of France. Guests can immerse themselves in the peaceful lifestyle of the area, surrounded by gently rolling hills covered in vineyards, fields filled with sunflowers, and numerous ancient and historic houses, villages, and towns.


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To get to Valence, take the D214 road heading south from Condom towards Auch. Valence is located approximately 8 km along this route.




  • Château de Lavardens: Located in the village of Lavardens, this magnificent castle dates back to the 11th century. It is renowned for its well-preserved architecture, stunning gardens, and art exhibitions. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, climb the towers for panoramic views, and enjoy cultural events held throughout the year.
  • Abbaye de Flaran: Situated near the town of Valence-sur-Baise, this Cistercian abbey is an architectural gem. Built in the 12th century, it boasts impressive Romanesque and Gothic features. The abbey now houses a museum with an extensive collection of contemporary art, making it a unique blend of history and culture.
  • Musée du Miel: Located in Gramont, just a short drive from Valence-sur-Baise, this honey museum offers an educational and immersive experience for visitors. Learn about the fascinating world of bees, honey production, and the benefits of honey through interactive displays, tastings, and workshops.
  • Circuit Paul Armagnac: Car racing enthusiasts should not miss this famous racetrack in Nogaro, approximately 25 kilometers from Valence-sur-Baise. The Circuit Paul Armagnac hosts various motorsport events throughout the year, including car and motorcycle races, making it a thrilling attraction for fans of high-speed action.
  • Larressingle: Often referred to as "Little Carcassonne," Larressingle is a picturesque fortified village situated approximately 15 kilometers from Valence-sur-Baise. Encircled by ancient ramparts and towers, the village offers a step back in time with its narrow streets, medieval houses, and charming atmosphere.
  • Château de Cassaigne: Nestled in the heart of the Armagnac vineyards, this beautiful castle near Cassaigne is worth a visit. Dating back to the 13th century, it is renowned for its wine production and offers guided tours of its cellars and vineyards. Visitors can also enjoy wine tastings and purchase local Armagnac products.
  • Parc de la Garenne: Located in Condom, approximately 20 kilometers from Valence-sur-Baise, this park offers a peaceful retreat amidst nature. With beautiful gardens, walking trails, and a lake, it's a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll, a picnic, or simply enjoying the tranquility of the surroundings.
  • Église Saint-Pierre de Condom: Situated in Condom, this impressive church showcases stunning Gothic architecture and holds historical significance. Admire its intricate stained glass windows, towering spires, and ornate decorations, reflecting the rich heritage of the region.
  • Musée d'Artagnan: For fans of "The Three Musketeers," a visit to this museum in Lupiac is a must. Dedicated to the life and adventures of d'Artagnan, one of the most famous musketeers, the museum exhibits historical artifacts, costumes, and interactive displays, offering insights into the swashbuckling world of the Musketeers. 10. Les Jardins de Coursiana: Situated near La Romieu, these beautiful gardens offer a peaceful escape with their diverse flora, well-manicured lawns, and tranquil ponds. Visitors can wander through the different themed gardens, including a romantic rose garden, aromatic herb garden, and a bamboo forest. Note: Distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the chosen route.