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Jean-yves Aucreterre
534 Rue Des Marronniers


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price from €75



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  • Château de Martainville: Located just a short distance from your address, this stunning medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. It is home to the Museum of Norman Arts and Traditions, which displays an impressive collection of furniture, ceramics, and textiles from the region.
  • Rouen Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Rouen, this magnificent Gothic cathedral is a masterpiece of medieval architecture. The cathedral is famous for its stunning stained glass windows, intricate facade, and its connection to famous painter Claude Monet, who depicted it in a series of paintings.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Rouen: Also located in Rouen, this art museum houses a vast collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It features works by renowned artists such as Monet, Renoir, Delacroix, and Caravaggio, making it a must-visit destination for art enthusiasts.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Rouen: Known as one of the most beautiful gardens in France, this botanical garden offers a peaceful retreat from the city. It showcases a diverse range of plants, including rare species, and features themed gardens, greenhouses, and a rose garden.
  • Gros-Horloge: Located in the heart of Rouen, this iconic astronomical clock is a symbol of the city. The clock dates back to the 14th century and is housed in a Renaissance arch. Visitors can climb the tower for stunning views of Rouen's historic center.
  • Musée de la Céramique de Rouen: This museum is dedicated to the art of ceramics and showcases a comprehensive collection of pottery, porcelain, and earthenware. It provides insights into the rich history of Rouen's ceramic production and its influence on French craftsmanship.
  • Maison natale de Pierre Corneille: Situated in the charming town of Rouen, this house is the birthplace of Pierre Corneille, one of France's greatest playwrights. The museum offers a glimpse into the life and works of Corneille, displaying various artifacts and memorabilia.
  • Château de Vascoeuil: Located in Vascoeuil, a short drive from Martainville-epreville, this enchanting castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and hosts contemporary art exhibitions. Its picturesque setting and rich history make it an ideal destination for art and history lovers.
  • Parc de Clères: Situated in the village of Clères, this zoological park is home to a wide variety of exotic animals, including lemurs, flamingos, and peacocks. Visitors can explore the park's lush greenery, walk through aviaries, and enjoy educational exhibits. 10. Jumièges Abbey: Located on the banks of the Seine River, this ancient Benedictine abbey is considered one of the most beautiful ruins in France. Visitors can explore the abbey's impressive remains, including its soaring Gothic towers and picturesque gardens. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from cultural and historical sites to natural beauty and artistic treasures.

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