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Philippe Yvon
Village de Kerlo Bihan
Ile de Groix


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Description for B&B:

The House of Forn'Our is a genuine fisherman's dwelling situated in the most untamed region of Groix Pwivisy Island, adorned with its rugged cliffs and secluded coves. Our accommodation provides the utmost comfort, featuring a single room for guests. Isolated and free from nearby neighbors, it grants visitors a serene and completely private retreat, immersed in the authentic ambiance of island life.


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  • Le Phare de Port-Maria: Located on the island of Groix, this lighthouse offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding coastline. It is a popular spot for tourists to visit and take in the natural beauty of the island.
  • Plage des Grands Sables: Considered one of the most beautiful beaches in Europe, this sandy stretch is known for its crystal-clear waters and scenic views. It is an ideal spot for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying various water sports.
  • Musée de la Citadelle Vauban: Situated in nearby Port-Louis, this museum showcases the rich maritime history of the region. Visitors can learn about the strategic importance of the citadel and explore exhibits featuring naval artifacts, models, and historical documents.
  • Jardin Exotique et Botanique de Groix: This exotic botanical garden is home to a diverse collection of plants from around the world. Visitors can stroll through the serene gardens, admire rare and exotic species, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Pointe des Chats: An impressive coastal promontory on the island, Pointe des Chats offers stunning views of the rugged cliffs and the sparkling sea. It is a popular spot for hiking and photography, allowing visitors to immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the area.
  • Port Tudy: The main port of the island, Port Tudy is a charming village known for its picturesque harbor. Visitors can explore the colorful waterfront, enjoy local seafood in waterfront restaurants, and watch fishing boats come and go.
  • Ecomusée de Groix: This museum provides insight into the island's history, traditions, and local culture. It features exhibits on fishing, traditional crafts, and the island's unique way of life. Visitors can learn about the island's heritage and immerse themselves in its authentic atmosphere.
  • Chapelle Saint-Tudy: Located in the village of Groix, this charming chapel is a place of pilgrimage and offers a peaceful retreat. Its beautiful stained glass windows and tranquil surroundings make it a popular spot for reflection and contemplation.
  • Sentier Côtier: This coastal path offers breathtaking views of Groix's rugged shoreline and provides an opportunity to explore the island's natural beauty on foot. Visitors can hike along the well-marked trail, enjoying the fresh sea breeze and stunning scenery. 10. Fort du Gripp: Situated on the eastern side of the island, this historic fort offers a glimpse into the island's military past. Visitors can explore the fort's ramparts, learn about its strategic importance, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

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