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Hélène Pradère-Niquet
99, Route du Poitrineau Saint Hilaire - Saint Florent


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price from €60






Description for B&B:

Welcome to the charming B&B "La Closeraie," which has been awarded a 3 Epis rating by Gites de France. Your hosts, Hélène and François PRADERE-NIQUET, eagerly await your arrival at La Closeraie.

Conveniently located just 3 minutes away from both the Nationale Riding School and the Golf of Saumur, as well as a mere 5 minutes from the city center of Saumur, our B&B is perfectly situated in the heart of the beautiful Saumur region. It is also nestled within the Regional National Parc of Maine Anjou Touraine, where the magnificent Thouet and Loire rivers merge. This breathtaking area has been recognized as a World Heritage site by UNESCO.

Moreover, our B&B is situated right along the scenic Loire River cycle path, providing an ideal location for cycling enthusiasts and nature lovers alike.


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  • Château de Saumur: Located in the town of Saumur, this stunning castle offers panoramic views of the Loire Valley. It houses a museum showcasing the history of the region and its military significance.
  • Musée des Blindés: Situated in Saumur, this museum houses one of the largest collections of armored vehicles in the world. Visitors can explore tanks, artillery, and military equipment from various periods.
  • Cadre Noir: Known for its equestrian tradition, the Cadre Noir is a prestigious French riding school located in Saumur. Visitors can watch impressive horse shows and witness the training of elite riders.
  • Maison de Vin de Saumur: This wine house in Saumur offers guided tours and tastings of the region's renowned sparkling wines. Visitors can learn about the wine-making process and sample different varieties.
  • Fontevraud Abbey: Located in Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, just a short drive from Saint Florent, this historic abbey is the largest remaining abbey complex in Europe. It houses the tombs of several English kings and queens.
  • Château de Brézé: Situated near Saumur, this unique castle features an extensive underground network of tunnels and cellars. Visitors can explore the castle's impressive architecture and learn about its rich history.
  • Le Cadre Noir: A popular horse riding school and equestrian center near Saumur, Le Cadre Noir offers guided tours and horse shows. Visitors can witness the training of skilled riders and admire the beautiful horses.
  • Musée du Champignon: Located in Saumur, this museum is dedicated to mushrooms and their cultivation. Visitors can learn about the different varieties of mushrooms, their uses, and even taste some mushroom-based products.
  • Les Caves de Marson: Situated in Marson, near Saumur, this wine cellar offers tours and tastings of local wines, including the famous Saumur Champigny. Visitors can explore the underground caves and learn about wine production. 10. Château de Montsoreau: Positioned in Montsoreau, this medieval fortress overlooks the Loire River. It houses the Musée d'Art Contemporain, which exhibits contemporary art. Visitors can enjoy stunning views and explore the museum's diverse collection. These attractions near Saint Florent and Saumur provide a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring a memorable visit to the region.

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