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Wilfried Vogel



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price from €80





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Description for B&B:

To reach the Petit Château, follow these directions: If you are traveling from the north on the A75 motorway, take exit 33 for "Saint-Chély d'Apcher". If you are coming from the south, take exit 34 for "Saint-Chély d'Apcher". Once you have exited, follow the signs towards "Le Malzieu". Continue on this route until you reach the town of Malzieu. As you exit Malzieu, turn right towards "Le Villard". Proceed straight until you reach the village, and then take the first right, leading you to the Petit Château.

Description for Gite

Welcome to Le Petit Château du Villard, where nature and legends intertwine, creating a captivating medieval ambiance. Immerse yourself in the early 17th century as you step into this historic establishment, originally constructed in 1608. The restored fortified house boasts period fireplaces and sturdy granite walls, transporting you back in time. Here, it feels as though time itself ceased four centuries ago. Experience the charm of antique furniture adorning the rooms, while the architecture remains faithfully preserved from that era. Rest assured, modern comfort accompanies this extraordinary journey into the past.


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Instead of inputting "le Malzieu forain" into your GPS, please enter "le petit château du Villard" into Google instead.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 120 488 770 30
(3 pers.)
2 80 120 590 870 30


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  • Le Malzieu-Ville: Located near LD Lieu Dit Le Villard, Le Malzieu-Ville is a charming medieval village known for its well-preserved architecture and historic sites. Visitors can explore its narrow streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and visit the Church of Saint-Pierre.
  • Château de la Baume: Situated in the town of Saint-Chély-d'Apcher, this beautiful castle offers a fascinating glimpse into the region's history. Built in the 15th century, it features an impressive architectural design and picturesque surroundings.
  • Lac de Ganivet: A picturesque lake located near the village of Fau-de-Peyre, Lac de Ganivet is surrounded by stunning natural beauty. It provides a perfect spot for leisurely walks, picnics, fishing, and enjoying various water activities.
  • Gorges du Bès: These stunning gorges offer breathtaking views and are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts. Located near the village of Saint-Amans, visitors can hike along the trails, go rock climbing, or simply admire the impressive natural landscapes.
  • Saint-Flour: Situated approximately 20 kilometers from LD Lieu Dit Le Villard, the town of Saint-Flour is perched on a volcanic plateau and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. It is known for its well-preserved medieval old town, Gothic cathedral, and charming streets.
  • Garabit Viaduct: Designed by the renowned engineer Gustave Eiffel, the Garabit Viaduct is an impressive railway bridge spanning across the Truyère River. Located near the town of Ruynes-en-Margeride, it is a popular spot for sightseeing and photography.
  • Aubrac Plateau: A vast highland region located in the department of Aveyron, the Aubrac Plateau is known for its beautiful landscapes and traditional farming communities. Visitors can explore the rolling hills, picturesque villages, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking and horseback riding.
  • Château d'Alleuze: Situated near the village of Saint-Flour, the Château d'Alleuze is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Truyère Valley. It offers stunning views, and visitors can explore its ruins and learn about its rich history.
  • Le Puy-en-Velay: Located approximately 50 kilometers from LD Lieu Dit Le Villard, Le Puy-en-Velay is a picturesque town famous for its distinctive volcanic rock formations and religious sites. The Notre-Dame Cathedral, Chapel of Saint-Michel d'Aiguilhe, and the statue of Notre-Dame de France are must-visit attractions. 10. Gorges de la Truyère: These impressive gorges carved by the Truyère River offer stunning natural scenery and are perfect for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, and admire the rugged cliffs and deep valleys.

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