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Dominique Huss
234 Pairis


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Price per week:

price from €320




Description for Gite

Situated in the charming hamlet of Peers, this delightful gite offers convenient access and an unbeatable location. Perfectly positioned as a starting point for numerous hikes, it is also adjacent to a thrilling mountain bike circuit. Additionally, it is conveniently close to the White Lake station, making transportation a breeze. The gite is also within proximity to the enchanting wine route and its picturesque villages.

Nestled on the ground floor of our house, this gite offers complete independence and boasts a breathtaking view of the tranquil pond. Indulge in the exquisite delights of our garden, as you unwind and immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere. With two spacious rooms accommodating up to 5 people, a fully-equipped kitchen, a cozy dining room, a generous bathroom, a convenient washing machine, and a separate toilet, all your needs will be met during your stay.


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Directions to Find Us:
If you are coming from the village of Orbey, head towards the Lac Blanc resort. Once you reach Orbey-Pairis, which is about 3 km from the center of Orbey, you will notice a large building (a nursing home) with a chapel and an equestrian center. Our location is directly across from the equestrian center.

Alternatively, if you are coming from the neck of the man at the top of the pass, make a right turn and continue towards the lakes of Orbey. Keep an eye out for the sign indicating Orbey Pairis, and you will find our hotel approximately 500 m after the sign on the right side. Rest assured, you are almost there!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 5 320 390 non


Animals Allowed


  • Lac Blanc: Located in the Vosges Mountains, Lac Blanc offers stunning views of the surrounding peaks and a beautiful lake. It is a popular destination for hiking, mountain biking, and skiing in winter.
  • Haut-Koenigsbourg Castle: This medieval castle is perched on a hilltop overlooking the Alsace region. It is a well-preserved fortress that offers guided tours, showcasing its rich history and offering panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Le Parc de l'Orangerie: Situated in Strasbourg, this park is known for its picturesque lake and beautiful gardens. It is a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll, picnicking, or renting a boat to explore the lake.
  • Strasbourg Cathedral: A masterpiece of Gothic architecture, the Strasbourg Cathedral is one of the most iconic landmarks in France. Visitors can admire its intricate details, climb to the top for panoramic views, and explore the surrounding historic district.
  • Cité de l'Automobile: Located in Mulhouse, this automobile museum houses an impressive collection of over 400 vintage cars. Visitors can learn about the history of automobiles, admire rare models, and even take a ride in some of the classic cars.
  • Ecomusée d'Alsace: This open-air museum in Ungersheim showcases rural life in Alsace from the 19th and early 20th centuries. Visitors can explore traditional houses, interact with artisans, and learn about local customs and traditions.
  • Petite France: Situated in Strasbourg, Petite France is a charming neighborhood known for its half-timbered houses, canals, and picturesque streets. It offers a glimpse into the city's medieval past and is a perfect place for a leisurely walk or enjoying a meal at one of the cozy restaurants.
  • Château du Haut-Barr: Located near Saverne, this castle sits atop a hill and offers panoramic views of the Alsace region. It is known for its medieval architecture, including the iconic Devil's Bridge, and is surrounded by scenic hiking trails.
  • Mont Sainte-Odile: Situated in the Vosges Mountains, Mont Sainte-Odile is a revered pilgrimage site and offers breathtaking views of the Alsace plains. Visitors can explore the abbey, visit the museum, and enjoy walks in the peaceful natural surroundings. 10. Riquewihr: This medieval village is renowned for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and charming streets. It offers a glimpse into the region's rich history, and visitors can explore the narrow alleys, visit local wineries, and indulge in the local cuisine.

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