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Xavier Fautrelle De Fondaumiere
38 Rue Du Général Leclerc


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price from €79






Description for B&B:

Located between the regions of Champagne and Lorraine, this castle dates back to the 16th and 18th centuries. Originally a medieval fortress, it was later transformed during the Renaissance and subsequently refurbished in the elegant Louis XV style. Notably, it served as the residence of Duke Decrès, who held the esteemed position of Minister of the Navy under Napoléon I.

Nowadays, this historic monument is open to visitors, showcasing a remarkable collection of furniture from the 16th and 18th centuries. Groups can enjoy year-round access by making a reservation, while during the summer season and weekends from Easter to All Saints, the castle welcomes visitors for guided tours lasting approximately 45 minutes.

For a truly regal experience, guests have the opportunity to stay in the Duchess apartments, which provide comfortable and luxurious bed and breakfast accommodations. Additionally, the castle offers charming cottages for those seeking a more private retreat.

This remarkable venue is also available for hosting receptions and weddings, providing a picturesque backdrop for special occasions.


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  • Langres (8 km): A historic fortified town known for its well-preserved ramparts and medieval architecture. Explore the charming streets, visit the Cathedral of Saint-Mammès, and enjoy panoramic views from the ramparts.
  • Lake Liez (15 km): A scenic lake offering various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The surrounding area is ideal for picnics and nature walks, with beautiful landscapes and wildlife.
  • Château de Cirey-sur-Blaise (25 km): This magnificent castle was once the residence of Voltaire, the famous French writer and philosopher. Take a guided tour to admire the elegant interiors and learn about Voltaire's life and works.
  • Colombey-les-Deux-Églises (30 km): A small village known for its association with General Charles de Gaulle, the former President of France. Visit the Memorial Charles de Gaulle to learn about his life and political career, and pay respects at his grave.
  • Nogent-en-Bassigny (40 km): Explore this picturesque village and discover its rich heritage. Visit the Church of Saint-Laurent, stroll along the Bassigny Canal, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of the surrounding countryside.
  • Auberive Abbey (45 km): A stunning Cistercian abbey nestled in a tranquil valley. Admire the Romanesque and Gothic architecture, explore the beautiful gardens, and visit the contemporary art exhibition held within the abbey.
  • Chaumont (50 km): This town is famous for its magnificent château perched on a hill overlooking the River Marne. Explore the castle's luxurious interiors and stunning gardens, and don't miss the International Garden Festival held annually.
  • Troyes (75 km): Known for its well-preserved medieval architecture, Troyes is a delight for history enthusiasts. Wander through its narrow streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and visit the impressive Troyes Cathedral.
  • Vittel (80 km): A renowned spa town famous for its mineral water and thermal baths. Relax in the healing waters, stroll through the beautiful parks, and enjoy outdoor activities such as golf or horseback riding. 10. Nancy (100 km): A vibrant city with a rich artistic and cultural heritage. Explore the stunning Place Stanislas, visit the Musée de l'École de Nancy to admire Art Nouveau masterpieces, and take a leisurely walk along the charming streets of the old town.

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