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Marie Johanet
6 Rue Des Marches
Prunay En Yvelines


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  • Château de Rambouillet: Located just 10 kilometers away, this magnificent 14th-century castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and a large forest. It was a former residence of French kings and offers guided tours of its opulent interiors.
  • Vallée de Chevreuse Natural Regional Park: Situated around 15 kilometers from Prunay En Yvelines, this park is a haven for nature lovers. It offers stunning landscapes, picturesque villages, hiking trails, and opportunities for outdoor activities like biking and horseback riding.
  • Château de Versailles: One of the most famous tourist attractions in France, the Palace of Versailles is approximately 30 kilometers away. It is an iconic symbol of absolute monarchy and features breathtaking gardens, opulent rooms, and the Hall of Mirrors.
  • Chartres Cathedral: Located around 35 kilometers from Prunay En Yvelines, Chartres Cathedral is a masterpiece of French Gothic architecture. Its stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures make it a must-visit for art and history enthusiasts.
  • France Miniature: Situated approximately 20 kilometers away, France Miniature is a unique theme park where you can explore the entire country in miniature form. It showcases over 100 famous landmarks and monuments, allowing visitors to discover the diversity of France in just a few hours.
  • Château de Maintenon: Situated around 25 kilometers from Prunay En Yvelines, this 17th-century castle is known for its elegant architecture and beautiful gardens. It offers guided tours that take you through its rich history and the life of Madame de Maintenon, the second wife of King Louis XIV.
  • Château de Breteuil: Located approximately 30 kilometers away, this Renaissance castle is famous for its collection of wax figures that depict scenes from French literature and history. It also boasts stunning gardens and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Parc Animalier de Thoiry: Situated around 25 kilometers from Prunay En Yvelines, this safari park offers a unique experience to observe and interact with various wild animals. Visitors can explore the park by car or on foot and even have the opportunity to feed some of the animals.
  • Château de Dampierre: Located approximately 10 kilometers away, this 17th-century castle is surrounded by a moat and beautiful gardens. It is known for its well-preserved interiors, including the grand gallery and the Chapel of the Château. 10. Haute Vallée de Chevreuse Regional Natural Park: Situated around 25 kilometers from Prunay En Yvelines, this park offers a peaceful retreat with its rolling hills, forests, and charming villages. It is perfect for hiking, biking, or simply enjoying the picturesque countryside.

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