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Daniel Paris
5 Rue des Sternes


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Price per night:

price from €412




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Description for B&B:

Enjoy the comfort of a spacious double room featuring a private bathroom. Indulge in delightful English breakfasts that are thoughtfully provided for your convenience.


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The given location, GPS: 47.213109,-1.745628, is located just a short distance away from Nantes, only a few miles.



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(2 pers.)
2 412 412 oui




  • Château de Goulaine: Located just 6.5 kilometers away from the given address, Château de Goulaine is a magnificent castle known for its rich history and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, which houses historical artifacts, and enjoy strolling through the picturesque gardens.
  • Jardin Extraordinaire: Situated approximately 7 kilometers away, Jardin Extraordinaire is a unique park that offers a magical experience. It features various themed gardens, including a Japanese garden, a Mediterranean garden, and a butterfly garden. Visitors can relax amidst the stunning landscapes and enjoy the tranquility.
  • Machines de l'Île: Located around 13 kilometers away in Nantes, Machines de l'Île is an extraordinary artistic project that combines imagination, engineering, and creativity. Visitors can witness giant mechanical creatures, ride on the famous mechanical elephant, and explore the fascinating world of steampunk-inspired sculptures.
  • Nantes Cathedral: Situated approximately 14 kilometers away, Nantes Cathedral, also known as Cathédrale Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul, is a stunning Gothic cathedral. With its impressive architecture and intricate details, it is a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts. The cathedral also offers panoramic views of Nantes from its tower.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Nantes: Located around 15 kilometers away, Jardin des Plantes de Nantes is a beautiful botanical garden that spans over 7 hectares. It showcases a wide variety of plant species, including exotic plants, a rose garden, and a collection of palm trees. The garden is perfect for a relaxing walk or a picnic.
  • Les Machines de l'Île Workshop: Situated in the heart of Nantes, around 15 kilometers away, the Les Machines de l'Île Workshop is where the incredible mechanical creations of the Machines de l'Île are brought to life. Visitors can witness the artists and engineers at work, gaining insight into the process of constructing these unique machines.
  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne: Located approximately 15 kilometers away, Château des Ducs de Bretagne is a historic castle that showcases the region's rich heritage. Visitors can explore the castle's various exhibition spaces, learn about Nantes' history, and enjoy the stunning views from the ramparts.
  • Passage Pommeraye: Situated in the center of Nantes, around 15 kilometers away, Passage Pommeraye is a beautiful 19th-century shopping arcade. Featuring elegant architecture, intricate details, and a variety of shops, it offers a unique shopping experience. Visitors can also admire the stunning staircase and ornate decorations.
  • Musée d'arts de Nantes: Located around 15 kilometers away, Musée d'arts de Nantes is an art museum renowned for its vast collection of artworks spanning from the 13th century to contemporary pieces. The museum exhibits works by renowned artists such as Monet, Picasso, and Kandinsky, making it a haven for art lovers. 10. Nantes Castle: Situated in the heart of Nantes, approximately 15 kilometers away, Nantes Castle, also known as Château des ducs de Bretagne, is a historical fortress. It offers a journey through time with its well-preserved architecture, exhibitions on Nantes' history, and a walk along the medieval ramparts.