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Fougerit Dominique
1 Rue des Chenes
Sainte-Marie de Ré



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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Located on the beautiful Island of Ré, this charming bed and breakfast is the perfect choice for independent travelers. With a comfortable accommodation that can accommodate 2 to 3 persons, you'll have plenty of space to relax and unwind. The spacious bathroom adds an extra touch of luxury to your stay. To make a reservation or for any inquiries, please contact us at +33 (0)5 46 30 04 42.


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  • Saint-Martin-de-Ré: Located just a few kilometers from Rue des Chenes, Saint-Martin-de-Ré is a charming historic town and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the picturesque harbor, stroll along the fortified walls, and discover the town's rich maritime history.
  • Phare des Baleines: Standing tall at the western end of Île de Ré, Phare des Baleines is a historic lighthouse offering breathtaking views of the surrounding ocean. Climb to the top for panoramic vistas and learn about the fascinating maritime heritage of the area.
  • La Flotte: Another delightful village on Île de Ré, La Flotte is known for its quaint harbor, narrow streets, and traditional white-washed houses. Take a leisurely walk along the waterfront, enjoy fresh seafood at local restaurants, and visit the medieval Sainte-Catherine church.
  • Plage de la Conche des Baleines: If you're in the mood for some sun and sand, head to Plage de la Conche des Baleines. This beautiful sandy beach stretches for kilometers and offers a tranquil setting for relaxation and water activities.
  • Ecomusée du Marais Salant: Located in Loix-en-Ré, this museum provides insights into the traditional salt-making industry of the region. Explore the exhibits, learn about the salt marshes, and witness the process of salt production.
  • Ars-en-Ré: A charming village with a distinctive black and white bell tower, Ars-en-Ré is known for its artistic atmosphere and beautiful architecture. Wander through the narrow streets, visit the art galleries, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this traditional village.
  • Les Portes en Ré: Situated at the northern tip of Île de Ré, Les Portes en Ré is a picturesque village surrounded by stunning natural landscapes. Explore the sandy dunes, go for a bike ride along the cycle paths, and enjoy the unspoiled beauty of this coastal area.
  • Musée Ernest Cognacq: Located in Saint-Martin-de-Ré, this museum showcases an extensive collection of art and artifacts, providing a glimpse into the history and culture of Île de Ré. Discover works by renowned painters, historical objects, and learn about the island's past.
  • Plage de Trousse-Chemise: This beautiful beach is tucked away in a secluded spot on Île de Ré and offers a peaceful and serene atmosphere. With its crystal-clear waters and soft white sand, it's an ideal spot for a relaxing day by the sea. 10. Fortifications de Saint-Martin-de-Ré: Explore the impressive fortifications surrounding Saint-Martin-de-Ré, which were constructed during the 17th century by Vauban, a famous military engineer. Walk along the ramparts and admire the strategic architecture while enjoying panoramic views of the town and the sea.

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