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Alba Gemma
Vicolo Grotti Dama 19



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Price per week:

price from €330


+39 069464261


+39 3475322318


Description for B&B:

Located in the beautiful town of Frascati, on the famous Colli Albani hills surrounding Rome, the holiday house Baiera offers tranquil accommodations surrounded by vineyards. Perfect for both groups and individuals, Villa Baiera welcomes guests for short or extended stays, providing a range of personal services and a warm greeting. Conveniently located just 5 km from the Monteporzio Catone junction on the A1, and a mere 20 minutes from both Rome and Ciampino airport, this property is easily accessible. The spacious garden, private parking, and designated outdoor seating area with table and chairs create a peaceful atmosphere. For added security, the property is enclosed with an automatic gate, and each apartment is equipped with a key. Prices start at 65 euro/night for two persons and 80 euro/night for four persons, with discounts available for stays of at least three nights and families with children. Make Frascati a regular stop on your next trip to Italy and experience the charm of Villa Baiera.

Description for Gite

Our location boasts several notable attractions, including the newly built Tor Vergata University campus, the state-of-the-art Policlinico Tor Vergata hospital, the innovative International City of Sport, and the renowned center for study in Frascati, which houses prestigious institutions such as CNR, ENEA, ESRIN, and the Bank of Italy.

Villa Baiera is conveniently situated just 20 km away from the expansive Rainbow Magic Land Park in Valmontone. Adjacent to the park is a bustling commercial center offering year-round discounts at its outlet stores.

Pricing details are as follows:
- 65 euro/night for 2 persons
- 80 euro/night for 4 persons
- Discounts available for stays of at least 3 nights
- Special discounts offered for families with children.


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To reach the B&B BAIERA, follow these travel directions: Take the G.R.A. highway and take exit 18 towards Frosinone on via Casilina. After approximately 6 km, turn right onto Via Vermicino. Continue for about 2.5 km on Via Vermicino until you reach an automatic car wash called WASH PARK. Take the next left onto Vicolo Grotti Dama no. 19.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Apartment 2 50 65 330 360 8
Notes: breakfast for 1 day only,

