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Laurent Daléas, Emilie Lacotte
156 Rue Claude Debussy
St Médard en Jalles


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €75






Description for B&B:

Situated just a 15-minute drive from Bordeaux, with convenient access from the ring road, discover a serene oasis nestled within a picturesque park. Le Bois Joli presents an exquisite venue boasting a spacious room spanning 100 square feet, capable of accommodating up to 160 guests for dining, 180 for cocktails, and 120 for wedding celebrations.


Appréciations pour Domaine du Bois Joli, St Médard en Jalles:

séjour excellent
Review by: de galois, Juin 17 2013 1:23PM
Cadre superbe; parc extérieur très bien entretenu et le tout au calme. Chambre somptueuse et surtout possibilité de se détendre dans le spa...

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 75 75 oui


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  • Château Pape Clément: Located in the nearby city of Pessac, this historic castle is known for its vineyards and wine production. Visitors can explore the beautiful estate, learn about the winemaking process, and indulge in wine tasting sessions.
  • Bordeaux Wine Route: Stretching through the stunning vineyards of the Bordeaux region, this scenic route offers the perfect opportunity for wine enthusiasts to explore the area's renowned vineyards, wineries, and charming villages. Enjoy wine tastings, cellar tours, and picturesque landscapes along the way.
  • La Cité du Vin: Situated in Bordeaux, La Cité du Vin is a unique cultural center dedicated to the world of wine. It features interactive exhibits, multimedia presentations, and a wine museum. Visitors can learn about the history, production, and cultural significance of wine.
  • Bordeaux City Center: A UNESCO World Heritage site, the city center of Bordeaux is known for its beautiful architecture, elegant squares, and vibrant atmosphere. Explore the historic streets, visit the Place de la Bourse, admire the Grand Théâtre, and enjoy a stroll along the Garonne River.
  • Dune du Pilat: Located around 50 kilometers southwest of St Médard en Jalles, the Dune du Pilat is Europe's tallest sand dune, reaching up to 110 meters in height. Visitors can climb to the top for breathtaking panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, the Arcachon Bay, and the surrounding pine forests.
  • Cap Ferret: Situated on a narrow peninsula between the Atlantic Ocean and the Arcachon Bay, Cap Ferret offers picturesque beaches, charming fishing villages, and a relaxed coastal atmosphere. It is an ideal destination for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying fresh seafood.
  • Saint-Émilion: A medieval village renowned for its vineyards and wine production, Saint-Émilion is a must-visit for wine lovers. Explore its ancient streets, visit the underground monolithic church, and indulge in wine tastings at the numerous wineries and cellars.
  • Arcachon: Located on the Arcachon Bay, this seaside town is famous for its sandy beaches, oyster farms, and Belle Époque architecture. Enjoy water sports, visit the impressive D'Arcachon Ville d'Hiver district, and savor delicious seafood in the local restaurants.
  • Musée d'Aquitaine: Situated in Bordeaux, the Musée d'Aquitaine is a history museum that showcases the rich heritage of the Aquitaine region. It houses a vast collection of artifacts, artworks, and archaeological finds, providing insights into the area's past. 10. Les Quais: The riverfront promenade in Bordeaux, known as Les Quais, offers a vibrant atmosphere with its lively cafés, restaurants, and shops. Take a leisurely stroll along the Garonne River, enjoy the scenic views, and soak up the city's dynamic ambiance.

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