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1, Place Georges Clémenceau
Murviel les Béziers


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €117






Description for B&B:

We extend a warm invitation to join us at our castle, perched atop a hill in the heart of Murviel, a charming medieval village. Our guests are sure to find solace in the peaceful ambiance of this historic location, complete with spacious and authentically designed bedrooms that boast modern amenities. In the summer, guests can enjoy breakfast in our serene interior private garden. The Medieval Wing houses five inviting rooms, eagerly awaiting their guests. For those seeking a longer stay, the Renaissance Wing can be rented for an entire week, providing a perfect setting for family gatherings. Additionally, we offer our splendid reception rooms for hosting a variety of events, seminars, and receptions of any size.


Appréciations pour Chateau de Murviel, Murviel les Béziers:

Gîte de charme ensorceleur
Review by: Emilie Martin, Juil 13 2020 2:33PM
Un pur bonheur
Un moment d'exception hors du temps
Un accueil royal. Des hôtes aux petits soins pour vous rendre votre séjour le plus agréable possible
Un cadre magnifique où l'on devient une princesse
Un spa que l'on vous privatise qui vous fait vous évader au pays des mille et une nuits....
Que du bonheur
N'hésitez surtout pas à venir vous évader et vous ressourcer en ce lieu !!!!

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 117 121 25 Oui


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  • Béziers Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Béziers, the Béziers Cathedral is a stunning Gothic-style cathedral that dates back to the 13th century. It is known for its impressive architecture, beautiful stained glass windows, and its commanding hilltop location offering panoramic views of the surrounding area.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage Site, the Canal du Midi is a remarkable feat of engineering that connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks, bike rides, or boat trips along the canal, taking in the scenic beauty and historical significance of this waterway.
  • Château de Raissac: Just a short drive away from Murviel les Béziers, Château de Raissac is a picturesque castle surrounded by vineyards and olive groves. This 19th-century castle offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its elegant interiors, lush gardens, and learn about its rich history.
  • Les Neuf Ecluses de Fonserannes: Located on the outskirts of Béziers, Les Neuf Ecluses de Fonserannes is a set of famous canal locks on the Canal du Midi. The impressive flight of nine locks is a popular tourist attraction, offering visitors the opportunity to witness the functioning of the locks and enjoy the picturesque views.
  • Valras-Plage: Situated along the Mediterranean coast, Valras-Plage is a charming beach town that attracts tourists with its sandy beaches, lively promenade, and numerous seaside activities. Visitors can relax on the beach, indulge in water sports, or explore the town's vibrant restaurants, bars, and shops.
  • Saint-Nazaire Cathedral: Located in the nearby city of Béziers, the Saint-Nazaire Cathedral is a beautiful Romanesque cathedral known for its unique architecture and stunning stained glass windows. The cathedral also houses a remarkable organ and offers regular concerts and musical events.
  • Château de Grézan: Situated in Laurens, a short distance from Murviel les Béziers, Château de Grézan is a splendid medieval castle surrounded by vineyards. Visitors can take guided tours of the castle, learn about its history, and enjoy wine tastings of the renowned wines produced on the estate.
  • Cap d'Agde: Located along the Mediterranean coast, Cap d'Agde is a popular seaside resort town known for its sandy beaches, vibrant marina, and diverse range of water activities. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, sailing, or even visit the nearby Aqualand water park for a day of family fun.
  • Pézenas: A charming medieval town, Pézenas is renowned for its well-preserved historic center and its association with the famous French playwright Molière. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the beautiful architecture, enjoy boutique shopping, and explore the various art galleries and workshops. 10. Narbonne: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Murviel les Béziers, Narbonne is a historic city with a rich Roman heritage. Visitors can explore the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, visit the Roman Horreum, stroll along the famous Canal de la Robine, and indulge in the city's renowned gastronomy and wine culture.

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