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Busset Henri
Impasse De Canac


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Price per night:

price from €175


05 31 97 10 50


Description for B&B:

All three of the renovated bedrooms are distinct and well appointed.

Our first room, Francis, pays tribute to the victor of Marignan who stayed at the Castle in 1533. It showcases elements of decor from the Grand Century, including furniture and portraits of notable figures from the Louis XIV era.

The Marie Antoinette room invites guests to experience the luxurious lifestyle praised by Talleyrand before the revolution. It features a hip bath and a toilet that indulges the senses with a touch of libertine decadence.

For those who appreciate the elegance of the Second Empire, the Empire Room is recommended. With its Eugenie-inspired furniture and soothing gray walls, it offers a tranquil retreat.

To truly complete the experience, guests can visit the largest salon in the castle before or after dinner. There, they can savor a good plum aveyronnaise by the fireplace on cool nights.

The cuisine at Chateau Canac perfectly complements the ambiance. The renowned chef, Busset, skillfully showcases the flavors of the Aveyron region in his own unique way.

For an even more extraordinary dining experience, guests can venture to the Moulin de Cambelong in Conques, located thirty kilometers away. This nature-inspired kitchen offers a truly remarkable culinary journey. Gourmets can also enjoy special packages that combine stays at Chateau Canac with meals at the Michelin-starred restaurant in Conques.

Indulge in a feast fit for nobility!


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Directions to Rodez:
1. At the roundabout, called Cone of Moutiers, take the first exit onto D901 / Avenue de Vabre.
2. Make a left turn onto Chemin Canac.
3. Take another left onto Rue de Pigüé.
4. Finally, turn left onto Impasse de Canac.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 175 330




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