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Joelle Lebrigand
La Boisiere


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Price per night:

price from €62






Description for B&B:

Chamber 1: This room in Concarneau Bed and Breakfast and cottage is specifically designed to accommodate disabled guests.

Chamber 2: This room in Concarneau Bed and Breakfast and cottage is perfect for 2-3 people to comfortably stay.

Chamber 3: This cozy bedroom in Concarneau Bed and Breakfast and cottage is ideal for 2 people.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 62 62 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 80 oui
Holiday Home 1


Disabled Access


  • Ville Close (Concarneau): Located in the heart of Concarneau, Ville Close is a fortified town surrounded by ancient walls. It offers charming narrow streets, picturesque houses, shops, and cafes, making it a perfect place to explore and enjoy the historical atmosphere.
  • Musée de la Pêche (Fishing Museum): Situated in Concarneau, this museum provides an insight into the local fishing industry's history and traditions. Visitors can learn about the techniques, tools, and daily life of fishermen through interactive exhibits and displays.
  • Les Glénan Islands: These beautiful islands, located off the coast of Concarneau, boast crystal-clear turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. They are ideal for day trips, offering opportunities for swimming, snorkeling, and relaxing amidst stunning natural surroundings.
  • Château de Keriolet: Situated in nearby Plomeur, this fascinating castle stands as a testament to the luxurious lifestyle of the 19th-century aristocracy. Visitors can explore the beautifully restored interiors, stroll through the gardens, and learn about the castle's history.
  • Pont-Aven: A charming riverside town, Pont-Aven is renowned for its association with the post-impressionist painter Paul Gauguin. Visitors can explore the picturesque village, visit art galleries, and follow the "Gauguin Trail" to discover the landscapes that inspired his artwork.
  • Parc Botanique de Cornouaille: Located in Combrit, this botanical garden showcases a wide variety of plant species from around the world. Visitors can wander through different themed gardens, including Japanese, Mediterranean, and tropical sections, and enjoy a peaceful and scenic environment.
  • Quimper: The capital of the Finistère department, Quimper is a historic city with a rich heritage. Known for its stunning Gothic cathedral, half-timbered houses, and charming old town, Quimper offers a vibrant atmosphere, excellent shopping, and cultural attractions such as museums and art galleries.
  • Pointe du Raz: Situated on the westernmost tip of France, Pointe du Raz is a dramatic and rugged headland. Visitors can experience breathtaking panoramic views of the Atlantic Ocean, observe seabirds, and explore walking trails along the cliffs.
  • Odet River: The Odet River offers scenic boat trips departing from Quimper, allowing visitors to discover the natural beauty of the region. The river meanders through picturesque countryside, featuring lush green landscapes, charming villages, and elegant manor houses. 10. Concarneau Beaches: La Boisiere is conveniently located near several stunning beaches, including Plage des Sables Blancs and Plage de Cornouaille. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, water sports, or simply relaxing on the sandy shores of these beautiful coastal areas.

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