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Marite Michaud
73 Avenue Du General De Gaulle
Vllebon Sur Yvette


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Price per night:

price from €474





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Description for B&B:

Nestled in the picturesque Chevreuse Valley, there is a charming guest house that instantly makes you feel at home. Originally intended as a beloved retreat for the whole family, Jean Bernard Marité transformed this forgotten millstone into an enchanting place with a contemporary touch by the late 19th century. Over time, it naturally evolved into a delightful guesthouse. This extraordinary destination continues to be a haven where indulgence and wellness are cherished. Upstairs, the three bedrooms each possess their own unique character, providing an intimate experience for our guests.
Situated on the slopes of the Chevreuse Valley, VILLABONA House is just a 5-minute drive from the Paris-Saclay plateau, where renowned companies and prestigious schools are constantly expanding. Additionally, the University of Orsay and the Courtaboeuf Les Ulis business district are also conveniently located within a 5-minute radius.
With easy access to RER B train line, guests can effortlessly reach Paris, Orly, and Roissy CdG airports. Furthermore, the Massy TGV station is just a 10-minute drive away.
For those seeking cultural exploration, the House VILLABONA is also in close proximity to the magnificent Versailles and Fontainebleau castles. Furthermore, cycling enthusiasts will delight in the nearby Chateaux de Chevreuse, Breteuil, Dampierre, and the breathtaking Natural Park of the Chevreuse Valley.


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Take the RER B train heading towards destinations such as Paris, Roissy CDG, Orly, and Massy TGV. If you prefer to drive, the car is conveniently located just 2 minutes away from the N118, and is also close to the A10 and A6 motorways.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 474 474 30
(3 pers.)
1 155 30


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  • Château de Versailles: Located about 10 kilometers from Vllebon Sur Yvette, the Château de Versailles is a magnificent palace that served as the residence of French kings and queens. It features stunning gardens, opulent interiors, and the famous Hall of Mirrors, making it one of the most iconic tourist attractions in France.
  • Palace of Fontainebleau: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Vllebon Sur Yvette, the Palace of Fontainebleau is another impressive royal residence. This historic palace has housed French monarchs for centuries and showcases a mix of architectural styles. Visitors can explore its beautifully furnished rooms, extensive gardens, and the picturesque Grand Canal.
  • Paris city center: Just a short drive or train ride away from Vllebon Sur Yvette, the vibrant city of Paris offers a multitude of tourist attractions. From the iconic Eiffel Tower and Louvre Museum to the charming streets of Montmartre and the historic Notre-Dame Cathedral, Paris is full of cultural, artistic, and culinary delights.
  • Musée de l'Orangerie: Located in the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris, this museum houses an impressive collection of impressionist and post-impressionist paintings. Visitors can admire Claude Monet's famous Water Lilies series, as well as works by Renoir, Cézanne, and Picasso.
  • Domaine National de Saint-Cloud: Situated around 15 kilometers from Vllebon Sur Yvette, this vast park offers beautiful landscapes, gardens, and stunning views of Paris. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks, picnics, and even attend concerts and events held in the park.
  • Musée de la Toile de Jouy: Located in Jouy-en-Josas, just a short distance from Vllebon Sur Yvette, this museum is dedicated to the history and art of toile de Jouy fabric. It showcases a collection of exquisite textiles, prints, and designs, offering a unique insight into this traditional French craft.
  • Parc de Sceaux: Situated in the town of Sceaux, approximately 10 kilometers from Vllebon Sur Yvette, this large park is known for its stunning French-style gardens and the Château de Sceaux. Visitors can enjoy peaceful walks, admire the beautiful flowerbeds, and explore the historical castle.
  • Musée d'Orsay: Located in Paris, this renowned museum is housed in a former railway station and is dedicated to art from the mid-19th century to the early 20th century. It boasts an extensive collection of impressionist and post-impressionist masterpieces, including works by Monet, Renoir, Van Gogh, and Degas. These attractions offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing visitors to explore the rich heritage of the region and enjoy the beauty of France.

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