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Fabienne Vassel
87 rue Antoine Monier


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Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

The room is spacious, measuring 17m2, and has a pleasant view of the garden. It is furnished with cozy amenities and has a private bathroom and toilet. Breakfasts are served with organic homemade delicacies, and in good weather, you can enjoy them under the pergola.


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The historic center of Bordeaux is located just 10 minutes away from the tram line A Galin, approximately 200 meters.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 60 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Place de la Bourse: Located just a short distance from Rue Antoine Monier, this iconic square is one of Bordeaux's most famous landmarks. It features the stunning Water Mirror and the magnificent 18th-century architectural ensemble of the Palais de la Bourse.
  • La Cité du Vin: A must-visit for wine enthusiasts, La Cité du Vin is an immersive museum dedicated to the history and culture of wine. Explore interactive exhibits, enjoy wine tastings, and marvel at the contemporary architecture of this unique attraction.
  • Pont de Pierre: Spanning the Garonne River, the Pont de Pierre is an impressive stone bridge that offers panoramic views of Bordeaux. Take a leisurely stroll across the bridge, or simply enjoy the picturesque scenery from the riverbanks.
  • Saint-André Cathedral: Located in the historic heart of Bordeaux, Saint-André Cathedral is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. Admire its intricate façade, visit the impressive bell tower, and explore the rich history within its walls.
  • Jardin Public: This beautiful public park is a peaceful oasis in the city center. Enjoy a leisurely walk through its well-manicured gardens, relax by the lake, or visit the Natural History Museum located within the park.
  • Musée d'Aquitaine: Immerse yourself in the history and culture of the Aquitaine region at this fascinating museum. From prehistoric artifacts to Roman remains and medieval art, the Musée d'Aquitaine provides a comprehensive overview of the area's heritage.
  • Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux: One of the most prestigious theaters in France, the Grand Théâtre de Bordeaux is renowned for its stunning neo-classical architecture. Attend a ballet, opera, or theater performance to experience the grandeur of this cultural institution.
  • La Grosse Cloche: Dating back to the 15th century, La Grosse Cloche is a massive medieval bell tower that once served as the main entrance to the city. Climb to the top for panoramic views of Bordeaux, or simply admire its impressive architecture from below.
  • Cap Sciences: Perfect for families and science enthusiasts, Cap Sciences is an interactive science museum that offers hands-on exhibits, workshops, and educational activities. Explore topics ranging from biology and physics to space exploration. 10. Bordeaux Wine School: Located in the heart of the city, the Bordeaux Wine School offers wine tasting courses and workshops for both beginners and connoisseurs. Learn about the region's renowned wines and enhance your tasting skills in a relaxed and educational environment.

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