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Géraldine de Coquereaumont
58 montée de Sainte Roustagne


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price from €58






Description for B&B:

Blue Cedar Park is situated in the picturesque Luberon region. Nearby attractions include the charming villages of Lourmarin, Roussillon, and Gordes, all within the Luberon area. Additionally, within the Verdon region, visitors can explore Valensole, Gorges du Verdon, and The Museum of Prehistory in Quinson. The Priory of Manosque offers the Carzou Foundation, The Centre, and the Jean Giono's house for cultural enthusiasts. Other nearby points of interest include Ganagobie and the vibrant city of Aix en Provence. For outdoor enthusiasts, there are ample leisure activities available such as golf, climbing, horse riding, tennis, hiking, mountain biking, cycling, aerial sports, and white water sports.


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2 58 58 15 oui




  • Notre-Dame de Romigier: Located in Manosque, this beautiful Romanesque church dates back to the 12th century. It features intricate architectural details and stunning stained glass windows, making it a must-visit for history and art enthusiasts.
  • L'Occitane en Provence Factory: Just a short distance from Manosque, this factory offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the production process of the famous L'Occitane beauty products. Explore the fragrant fields of lavender and discover the secrets behind these luxurious cosmetics.
  • Musée de Préhistoire des Gorges du Verdon: Situated in Quinson, approximately 40 minutes from Manosque, this museum showcases the fascinating prehistoric artifacts discovered in the Verdon Gorge area. With interactive exhibits and informative displays, it provides a unique insight into the region's ancient past.
  • Château de Sauvan: Located in Mane, a charming village near Manosque, this 18th-century castle is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and beautiful gardens. Take a guided tour to admire the elegant interior décor and enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Gorges du Verdon: Considered one of the most stunning natural attractions in France, the Verdon Gorge is a must-visit for nature lovers. Admire the turquoise waters of the Verdon River as it winds through the dramatic limestone cliffs, and explore the numerous hiking trails and viewpoints along the way.
  • Forcalquier: A picturesque town located just a short drive from Manosque, Forcalquier is known for its medieval architecture and vibrant markets. Explore the charming streets, visit the 13th-century citadel, and indulge in the local delicacies at the bustling market.
  • L'Occitane Museum: Situated in the nearby village of Manosque, this museum celebrates the history and success of the internationally renowned beauty brand, L'Occitane. Discover the story behind the company, its commitment to sustainable practices, and explore the interactive exhibits showcasing their natural ingredients.
  • Luberon Natural Regional Park: Spanning across several towns near Manosque, the Luberon Natural Park offers breathtaking landscapes and picturesque villages. Enjoy hiking, cycling, or simply taking in the stunning views of lavender fields, vineyards, and olive groves.
  • Priory of Carluc: Located in Céreste, this former Benedictine priory is a hidden gem near Manosque. Explore the well-preserved ruins, including the Romanesque church and the cloister, as you learn about the history and significance of this religious site. 10. The Colorado Provencal: Situated in Rustrel, about an hour's drive from Manosque, this unique natural site offers a surreal landscape resembling the American Southwest. Marvel at the vibrant ochre cliffs, canyons, and hoodoos as you explore the various walking trails. These attractions near 58 montée de Sainte Roustagne in Manosque offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural landmarks to natural wonders, ensuring there is something for every visitor to enjoy.

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