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Marie Vesseron
56 rue du mayne pauvre


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €89






Description for B&B:

Located in the serene town of Carcans, near Lacanau and surrounded by nature, the villa Mareotis offers three high-quality guest rooms all year round. Situated in close proximity to Bordeaux, Arcachon, and the Cap-Ferret, this tranquil retreat is the perfect getaway. The villa is also home to a skilled culinary magician who invites guests to partake in delicious meals at the communal table. In addition, the owners organize special days for guests to explore and sample wines in the nearby vineyards and chateaux. With its abundance of sun, sea, lake, and ocean, as well as diverse vegetation including oak, pine, broom, mimosa, and arbutus, the villa is surrounded by bike paths and hiking trails, offering plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. Nestled amidst the trees, the villa guarantees a peaceful and rejuvenating stay, whether one seeks relaxation, adventure, or cultural experiences.


Appréciations pour Villa Mareotis, Carcans:

Marie et Francis
Review by: Danilo, Oct 4 2024 3:25PM
Merveilleux accueil, chaleureux et prévenant,
Nous étions 3 cyclistes et avons été conquis
Je recommande fortement
Villa Maréotis
Review by: Bonnet Christian, Juil 26 2022 4:20PM
Chambres d'hôtes au calme, aménagées et décorées avec goût. Marie et Francis sont très accueillants. Un très bon petit-déjeuner est servi par Marie. Nous recommandons vivement .
En famille
Review by: Lainé Alexandra, Aou 26 2015 4:36PM
3 jours très dépaysants pendant lesquels Marie et Francis nous ont accueillis avec le sourire et une bonne table, même le petit déjeuner est un bonheur. La chambre familiale est peut être un peu petite mais il est tellement plus agréable de profiter de la terrasse. Je recommande vivement et nous y retournerons sans hésiter.
Villa Maréotis
Review by: Ducasse Julie, Juin 21 2011 11:08PM
Si vous recherchez une chambre d hôte de qualité la Villa Mréotis fera votre bonheur. Acceuil chaleureux des propriétaires dans un cadre calme, les chambres sont aménagées avec goût au sein d une maison typique de la région du bassin d Arcachon sur le modèle des maisons de pêcheurs toute en bois. Si vous le souhaitez vous pourrez également y déguster lors d un repas de très bons vins autour d un repas copieux et gouteux préparé par la maitresse de maison. Petit déjeuner merveilleux au réveil et toujours servi avec le sourire et pour compléter le tout vos hôtes pourront vous conseiller sur les différentes activités à découvrir autour. Bon séjour à vous si vous avez l opportunité d y séjourner !!

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 89 oui
(3 pers.)
1 89 20




  • Carcans Beach: Located just a short distance from your address, Carcans Beach is a beautiful and popular tourist spot. With its golden sand, clear waters, and stunning dunes, it offers visitors a perfect place to relax, swim, and enjoy various water activities.
  • Lacanau-Océan: Situated around 10 kilometers away from Carcans, Lacanau-Océan is a vibrant seaside resort town. It boasts a long sandy beach, ideal for surfing, swimming, and sunbathing. Visitors can also explore the town's shops, restaurants, and vibrant nightlife.
  • Hourtin Port: Positioned approximately 15 kilometers north of Carcans, Hourtin Port is a charming harbor town. It is situated on the shores of the largest freshwater lake in France, Lac d'Hourtin et de Carcans. Visitors can enjoy sailing, windsurfing, fishing, or simply take a stroll along the marina and enjoy the serene surroundings.
  • Dune du Pyla: Located a bit further away, around 70 kilometers south of Carcans, Dune du Pyla is the tallest sand dune in Europe. It offers breathtaking views of the Atlantic Ocean, Arcachon Bay, and the surrounding forests. Visitors can climb the dune, take stunning photographs, or indulge in paragliding for an exhilarating experience.
  • Bordeaux: Situated approximately 55 kilometers southeast of Carcans, Bordeaux is a UNESCO World Heritage-listed city renowned for its wine production and stunning architecture. Visitors can explore the historic city center, visit renowned wineries, sample delicious cuisine, and enjoy cultural attractions like Place de la Bourse and the Grand Théâtre.
  • Medoc Wine Route: Located northeast of Carcans, the Medoc Wine Route is a scenic journey through beautiful vineyards and prestigious wineries. Wine enthusiasts can enjoy wine tasting sessions, cellar tours, and learn about the region's winemaking traditions.
  • Château Margaux: Situated in the heart of the Medoc region, Château Margaux is one of the most prestigious wineries in France. It offers guided tours where visitors can explore the vineyards, cellars, and learn about the winemaking process. Additionally, wine tastings allow visitors to savor the renowned Grand Cru wines produced by Château Margaux.
  • Le Phare de Cordouan: Located approximately 60 kilometers southwest of Carcans, Le Phare de Cordouan is a historic lighthouse situated on a rocky island at the mouth of the Gironde estuary. Visitors can take guided tours to admire the lighthouse's architecture, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy panoramic views from the top. Note: Please check for any travel restrictions or closures due to the current COVID-19 situation before planning your visit to these attractions.

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