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Fernande Beyl
81 Rue Principale


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  • Lauterbourg Fortress: Located just a short distance from Niederlauterbach, the Lauterbourg Fortress is a historical site that dates back to the 17th century. It offers visitors the opportunity to explore the well-preserved fortifications, bastions, and underground tunnels, providing a glimpse into the region's military past.
  • Jardin Pour la Terre: Situated in the nearby town of Soufflenheim, Jardin Pour la Terre is a beautiful garden that showcases various plants and flowers. Visitors can stroll through the well-maintained paths, admire the colorful displays, and learn about sustainable gardening practices.
  • Musée de l'Abri: Located in Hatten, Musée de l'Abri is a World War II museum that focuses on the history and events of the Maginot Line. The museum features exhibits displaying artifacts, photographs, and documents, providing valuable insights into the region's wartime experiences.
  • Château Fleckenstein: Situated in Lembach, Château Fleckenstein is a medieval castle nestled in the heart of the Northern Vosges Regional Nature Park. Visitors can explore the ruins, climb the castle's towers, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding forests and valleys.
  • Maison Rurale de l'Outre-Forêt: Located in Kutzenhausen, Maison Rurale de l'Outre-Forêt is a traditional Alsatian house that has been transformed into a museum. It showcases the rural lifestyle, customs, and traditions of the region, offering visitors a glimpse into the past.
  • Pôle de la Porcelaine: Situated in Soufflenheim, Pôle de la Porcelaine is a ceramics center that promotes and preserves the traditional art of pottery. Visitors can observe local artisans at work, browse through a wide range of handmade ceramics, and even participate in pottery workshops.
  • Ligne Maginot du Rhin: Located in Fort-Louis, Ligne Maginot du Rhin is a fortification system built during the interwar period to protect France's eastern border. Visitors can explore the underground bunkers, tunnels, and artillery positions, gaining insights into the defensive strategies of the time.
  • Musée du Bagage: Situated in Haguenau, Musée du Bagage is a unique museum dedicated to luggage and travel accessories. It showcases a wide collection of suitcases, trunks, and bags from different eras, providing an interesting perspective on the evolution of travel.
  • Château de Fleckenstein Adventure Park: Adjacent to the Château Fleckenstein, this adventure park offers thrilling activities such as tree-top courses, zip-lining, and rock climbing. It provides an exciting experience for both children and adults amidst the picturesque natural surroundings. 10. Maison des Asperges: Located in Hoerdt, Maison des Asperges is a museum and farm dedicated to asparagus cultivation. Visitors can learn about the history, production techniques, and culinary uses of asparagus, as well as enjoy tasting sessions and purchase fresh produce. Please note that the availability and opening hours of these attractions may vary, so it's recommended to check their respective websites or contact them directly for the most up-to-date information before planning your visit.