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Graig Apero


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price from €35




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Description for B&B:

The villa is located just 10 minutes away from both Nimes and Montpellier, making it easily accessible for visitors.

Description for Gite

The room in LA VILLA offers convenient amenities such as WiFi internet access and a TV. Guests can also enjoy access to a barbecue area.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 35 45 230 300


Swimming Pool


  • Pont du Gard: Located approximately 30 kilometers from the given address, Pont du Gard is a magnificent Roman aqueduct bridge that spans the Gardon River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers stunning views and opportunities for exploration.
  • Nîmes Arena: Situated about 40 kilometers away, the Nîmes Arena is an ancient Roman amphitheater that is incredibly well-preserved. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about its history and admire its impressive architecture.
  • Uzès: Roughly 20 kilometers from the address, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its picturesque streets, historic buildings, and a beautiful central square called Place aux Herbes. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the stunning Uzès Cathedral.
  • La Bambouseraie en Cévennes: Located around 80 kilometers away, La Bambouseraie is a unique bamboo garden situated in the Cévennes National Park. It features a diverse collection of bamboo species, tranquil pathways, and a small steam train that takes visitors through the park.
  • Musée Fabre: Situated in Montpellier, approximately 30 kilometers from the given address, the Musée Fabre is a renowned art museum that houses an extensive collection of paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. It showcases works by famous artists such as Delacroix, Courbet, and Rubens.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Roughly 60 kilometers away, Aigues-Mortes is a medieval walled city located on the Mediterranean coast. Visitors can explore its well-preserved ramparts, admire the Gothic architecture of Saint-Louis Church, and enjoy the vibrant atmosphere of its lively streets.
  • Les Gorges de l'Hérault: Situated about 50 kilometers from the address, Les Gorges de l'Hérault is a stunning natural attraction characterized by deep gorges, crystal-clear waters, and lush greenery. It offers opportunities for hiking, canoeing, and swimming in the river.
  • Château de Flaugergues: Located in Montpellier, approximately 30 kilometers away, Château de Flaugergues is a beautiful 17th-century castle surrounded by vineyards and gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's elegant interiors, stroll through the park, and even sample the estate's wines.
  • Musée de la Romanité: Situated in Nîmes, around 40 kilometers from the given address, the Musée de la Romanité is a modern museum dedicated to showcasing the rich Roman history of the region. It features numerous artifacts, interactive exhibits, and multimedia presentations. 10. Pic Saint-Loup: Roughly 60 kilometers away, Pic Saint-Loup is a prominent mountain peak that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes. Visitors can hike to its summit, explore the nearby vineyards, and enjoy wine tasting at the local wineries.

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