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Sylvie Winkelmuller
Rue Alfred Hartmann 68140 MUNSTER


1 reviews

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price from €329






Description for Gite

Welcome to the beautiful valley of Munster, located in the southernmost part of the Vosgean solid mass and extending west from Colmar. This valley is famous for its cheese production and is undoubtedly one of the most pleasant and captivating areas in the Vosges region. With its high-altitude pastures, fir forests, and peaceful villages, the valley of Munster is an ideal destination for summer excursions and winter skiing.

The main town in the valley, Munster, is a delight for cheese enthusiasts, as it is known for its delicious and high-quality cheese. As you explore further into the western part of the valley, you will discover more wild and scenic landscapes. Charming villages with half-timbered houses, such as Mittlach, Metzeral, and Muhlbach, are nestled on the slopes and add to the area's allure.

Make sure to experience the traditional "meal marcaire," a mountain meal that showcases the local specialty, Munster cheese. Enjoy this fortifying feast at one of the mountain-side farm inns, which offer a picturesque setting. During the summer, don't miss the opportunity to indulge in the highly appreciated bilberry tart for dessert.

The valley offers countless possibilities for excursions, particularly with the GR5 trail passing through parts of the area. In winter, skiing is a popular activity, both alpine and cross-country.

Come and immerse yourself in the enchanting valley of Munster, where natural beauty, delicious cheese, and outdoor adventures await you.


Appréciations pour Les chalets Hansel et Gretel à Munster, Munster:

Super chalet en Alsace Munster près d'Eguisheim village préféré des français 2013
Review by: Beauregard, Juin 18 2013 8:37AM
Très beau chalet confortable en plein cœur de la verdure de Munster ( parc; étang et piscine à proximité)

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To reach the Camping Schlucht near Munster, Colmar, start by entering Munster. From there, make your way towards the small Fecht river, located close to the Catholic Church. The cottages are conveniently situated in this vicinity.



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  • Munster Abbey - Located in the heart of Munster, Munster Abbey is a historic monastery dating back to the 7th century. Visitors can explore the beautiful abbey grounds, admire the Romanesque architecture, and gain insight into the region's religious history.
  • Munster Valley - Surrounded by lush green hills and picturesque landscapes, Munster Valley is a paradise for nature lovers. Visitors can enjoy hiking trails, cycling routes, and breathtaking views of the Vosges Mountains. The valley is also known for its charming villages and traditional Alsatian houses.
  • Lac de Blanchemer - Situated just a short drive from Munster, Lac de Blanchemer is a serene mountain lake known for its stunning beauty. Visitors can go fishing, picnicking, or simply relax and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere. The lake is also surrounded by forests, making it an ideal spot for hiking enthusiasts.
  • Musee Mémorial du Linge - Located approximately 10 kilometers from Munster, the Musee Mémorial du Linge is a World War I memorial and museum. It commemorates the battles that took place on the Linge mountain during the war. Visitors can explore the extensive exhibitions, learn about the history, and pay tribute to the fallen soldiers.
  • Alsace Wine Route - Munster is located along the famous Alsace Wine Route, offering wine enthusiasts the opportunity to discover the region's renowned vineyards and wineries. Visitors can enjoy wine tastings, explore charming wine villages such as Turckheim and Eguisheim, and take in the picturesque vineyard landscapes.
  • Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg - Situated about 25 kilometers from Munster, the Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg is a medieval castle perched atop a hill. This well-preserved fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside and provides insight into the region's rich history. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, walk along the ramparts, and attend medieval-themed events.
  • Parc de Wesserling - Approximately 30 kilometers from Munster, Parc de Wesserling is a beautiful botanical and textile garden. Visitors can wander through the park's enchanting gardens, admire the colorful flower displays, and learn about the area's textile heritage. The park also hosts various cultural events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Colmar - Just a short drive from Munster, the charming town of Colmar is a must-visit attraction in the region. Known for its well-preserved old town, colorful half-timbered houses, and canals, Colmar offers a delightful blend of history and beauty. Visitors can explore the numerous museums, enjoy Alsatian cuisine, and immerse themselves in the town's unique atmosphere. These tourist attractions near Rue Alfred Hartmann in Munster, France, offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural wonders and scenic landscapes.

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