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Danielle Gouillon
Les Grandes Granges
Quincie en Beaujolais


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price from €65






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  • Château de Jarnioux: Located in Jarnioux, this beautiful castle offers guided tours that allow visitors to explore its rich history and admire its stunning architecture.
  • Oingt Village: Situated just a short distance away, Oingt is a medieval village known for its charming cobblestone streets, well-preserved buildings, and panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Hameau Duboeuf: This unique wine-themed park in Romanèche-Thorins offers a variety of attractions, including a wine museum, vineyard train rides, wine tastings, and a garden of vines.
  • Beaujolais Vineyards: Les Grandes Granges is surrounded by the famous Beaujolais wine region, where you can take scenic drives or guided tours to explore the picturesque vineyards, visit wineries, and sample the renowned Beaujolais wines.
  • Cluny Abbey: Located in Cluny, about 25 kilometers away, this historic Benedictine abbey was once the largest church in Christendom. Today, visitors can explore the ruins of the abbey and its museum, which offers insight into its influential past.
  • Pérouges: A medieval walled town, Pérouges is known for its well-preserved buildings and charming atmosphere. Take a stroll through the narrow streets, visit the local craftsmen, and enjoy the traditional cuisine in one of its charming restaurants.
  • Lyon: As the third-largest city in France, Lyon is just a short drive away. This vibrant city offers a wealth of attractions, including UNESCO-listed old town, the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, the Museum of Fine Arts, and a thriving food scene.
  • Mont Brouilly: Located in the heart of the Beaujolais region, Mont Brouilly is a popular destination for hikers and nature enthusiasts. Climb to the top of the hill to enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding vineyards and countryside.
  • TouroParc: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, TouroParc is a family-friendly wildlife park that houses a variety of animals, including lions, giraffes, zebras, and monkeys. It also features playgrounds, picnic areas, and a mini-train ride. 10. Cluny Castle: Located in the town of Cluny, this 19th-century castle is surrounded by a beautiful park and gardens. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the opulent interiors and learn about the castle's fascinating history. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural beauty and family-friendly activities, ensuring that there is something for everyone near Les Grandes Granges in Quincie en Beaujolais, France.

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